Lesson Plan



Module 1

Module 2

Module 3

Contact Information




Your Name-  Jennifer Boisvert

Type of Lesson- Video/Audio

Lesson Plan Title – Finding a Career Suitable for My Personality and Interests

Discipline and Topic –  Family and Consumer Science and Technology.  The topic we will be covering throughout the this lesson plan will be finding a career suitable for a students' personality and interests.  

Target Population –

Grade Level:  High School (8-12)- Our actually grade level is Grade 12.

Population Characteristics:  Our class is made up of students who are eager and want to get a jump start on their careers. They are in the process of trying to figure out what they want to do after they graduate
school.  They love to learn and take on challenges.

Lesson Groupings:  Students will be working  individually throughout this project. At the end, we will
come together as a class and view each other's final projects.  There is a total of 16 students in this class.

Curriculum Links –  In this class, we have already covered writing resumes, cover letters and thank you letters.  This will be the next part of the career process.  Students will be reading articles, participating in a discussion board, taking a career assessment evaluation (personality type evaluation), performing research on a career of interest, creating a Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation including audio, converting the presentation and then presenting it to the class.  This class will be set up in an on-line learning structure. It will expose them to on-line learning.  After this lesson, we will be covering interviewing.

Objectives –  
Students will be able to….

  1. Identify their personality type and select a career that they want to pursue.
  2. Research the career of interest and find out information about that career.
  3. Create a Microsoft PowerPoint presentation with audio on their career or interest. They will then convert it into a video using WonderShare.
  4. Participate in an on-line learning structured class and post to a discussion board.

Media Literacy Objectives  – (Information obtained from NETS)

     -Make informed choices among technology systems, resources and services.
     -Identify capabilities and limitations of contemporary and emerging technology resources and assess the potential of these systems and services to address personal, lifelong learning and workplace needs.

     -Use technology tools and resources for managing and communicating personal/professional information (e.g., finances, schedules, addresses, purchases, correspondence).

     -Evaluate technology-based options, including distance and distributed education, for life-long learning.

     -Routinely and efficiently use online information resources to meet needs for collaboration, research, publications, communications and productivity.

     -Select and apply technology tools for research, information analysis, problem-solving, and decision-making in content learning.

     -Collaborate with peers, experts, and others to contribute to a content-related knowledge base by using technology to compile, synthesize, produce, and disseminate information, models, and other creative works.

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Materials and Timing –
Materials-  CD-ROM, Internet, Microsoft PowerPoint, Computer, WonderShare and Microphone.

Timing-   This lesson plan will last for 9 class periods.  All classes last a total of 55 minutes.

Scope and Sequence –

Day 1:
(35 minutes)- Introduce project and show students the Career Development Course Website.  I will explain to students that this lesson plan will last for 9 days.  I will briefly go over each day (see timeline) and hand out an Instructions sheet. I will also be answering any questions that students may have.
(25 minutes)- Students will begin viewing the course website and start reading the articles.  During this time period, I will be walking around the room guiding students, answering questions and evaluating them.
(5 minutes)- Wrap-Up Time:  Students will begin to start saving any work that they have completed, logging off the computer and wrapping up the class period.  I will ask students if they have any questions and briefly mention tomorrow's agenda.

Day 2:
(5 minutes)- Students will use this time to get situated and log into the course website.  I will ask students if they have any questions during this time period as well.
(45 minutes)- Students will watch the mini-lecture video on Personality Types.  They will then need to watch the tutorial on how to post to the discussion board.  They will also have the chance to finish reading the articles.  After they have completed reading the article, watching the mini-lecture and viewing the tutorial, they will begin to post to the discussion board. Students will have the opportunity to complete anything they do not finish at home, during the next class period or stay after school and work in the computer lab. 
During this time period, I will be walking around the room guiding students, answering questions and evaluating them.
(5 minutes)- Wrap-Up Time:  Students will begin to start saving any work that they have completed, logging off the computer and wrapping up the class period.  I will ask students if they have any questions and briefly mention tomorrow's agenda.

Day 3:
(5 minutes)- Students will use this time to get situated and log into the course website.  I will ask students if they have any questions during this time period as well.
(45 minutes)- Students will wrap up the previous days tasks and begin working on the career assessment (Finding out your personality type) evaluation.  They will also watch a tutorial on the career assessment evaluation
During this time period, I will be walking around the room guiding students, answering questions and evaluating them.
(5 minutes)-
Wrap-Up Time:  Students will begin to start saving any work that they have completed, logging off the computer and wrapping up the class period.  I will ask students if they have any questions and briefly mention tomorrow's agenda.

Day 4:
(5 minutes)-
Students will use this time to get situated and log into the course website.  I will ask students if they have any questions during this time period as well.
(45 minutes)- Students will wrap up the career assessment evaluation and start working on the worksheet. I will be passing it out to students as they finish the evaluation.  They will also complete the exercise.  During this time period, I will be walking around the room guiding students, answering questions and evaluating them.
(5 minutes)-
Wrap-Up Time:  Students will begin to start saving any work that they have completed, logging off the computer and wrapping up the class period.  I will ask students if they have any questions and briefly mention tomorrow's agenda.

Day 5, 6 and 7:
(5 minutes)-
Students will use this time to get situated and log into the course website.  I will ask students if they have any questions during this time period as well.
(45 minutes)- Students will be researching a career based off their personality type based upon their career assessment evaluation.  They will also be working on completing their final project in Microsoft PowerPoint.  They will be converting the file in WonderShare and adding audio to it.  During this time period, I will be walking around the room guiding students, answering questions and evaluating them.

(5 minutes)- Wrap-Up Time:  Students will begin to start saving any work that they have completed, logging off the computer and wrapping up the class period.  I will ask students if they have any questions and briefly mention tomorrow's agenda.

Day 8:
(5 minutes)- Students will get situated and get ready to present their final project to their classmates and I.  
(50 minutes)- Students will start presenting their projects to their classmates and I.  Students will have five minutes a piece to present the final project.  I will be evaluating students during this time period and also be asking them questions about their project/career choice.

Day 9:
(3 minutes)-
Students will get situated and get ready to present their final project to their classmates and I. 
(30 minutes)-
Students will start presenting their projects to their classmates and I.  Students will have five minutes a piece to present the final project.  I will be evaluating students during this time period and also be asking them questions about their project/career choice.
(22 minutes)- Wrap up Lesson Plan:  I will be getting students feedback, answering questions and wrap up this lesson plan. I will briefly introduce the next lesson plan.

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Supplemental Materials –

Exercise, Mini-Lecture Video, Career Assessment Evaluation, Survey, Comments, Worksheet, Timeline, Discussion Board, Readings and Tutorials

Evaluation of Students –

I will use the rubric below to evaluate my students.  I will evaluate students on an individual basis on the following: content, if the worksheet is completed, if they posted and responded to the discussion board, how well they managed their time throughout the entire project, their Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation, their presentation to the class, if they completed the exercise (Hot Potatoes Exercise) and then then if they meet the requirements of the project.  I will be evaluating students throughout the entire project. During each class period, I will be evaluating them and then I will evaluate their work. 

3 (Excellent)
2  (Good)
1 (Fair)
0 (Poor)
Content is clear, concise and provides a purpose.  Information gathered was properly researched and is accurate.
Content is somewhat clear, concise and provides a purpose.  Information gathered was properly researched and is accurate.
Content is somewhat clear, concise and provides a purpose.  Information gathered was properly researched but is not accurate.
Content is neither clear, concise and it does not provide a purpose.  Information gathered was not properly researched nor is accurate.
Completed worksheet and answered all questions.
Completed worksheet but did not answer all questions.

Completed worksheet but only answered half of the questions.
Did not complete the worksheet.

Discussion Board
Posted response to question and responded to at least one classmate's response.
Posted response to question and responded to at least one classmate's response.
Posted to question or to one classmate's response.
Did not post to question or respond to at least one classmate's response.
Time Management
Completed project in time alloted for each part of the project:
preparing presentation, completing exercise and worksheet, researching career, taking the career assessment test, reading articles and watching the video.
Completed project in time alloted for some of the areas of the project (5-6): preparing presentation, completing exercise and worksheet, researching career, taking the career assessment test, reading articles and watching the video.
Completed project in time alloted for some of the areas of the project (3-4): preparing presentation, completing exercise and worksheet, researching career, taking the career assessment test, reading articles and watching the video.
Did not complete project in the time alloted for more than 5 areas of the project: preparing presentation, completing exercise and worksheet, taking  the career assessment test, reading articles and watching the video.
PowerPoint Presentation/

Contained all of the information required and included audio portion of project.
Contained all of the information required and included the audio portion of the project.
Contained some of the required information and/or audio portion of the project. 
Missing more than two parts of the required information and/or audio portion of the project.
of Project to Classmates
Presentation was very well organized.
Presented project to classmates.
Presentation was well organized.
Presented project to classmates.
Presentation was somewhat organized.
Presented project to classmates.
Presentation was not organized.
Did not present project to classmates.
Completed exercise and answered all questions correctly.
Completed exercise and only answered 8 out of 10 questions correctly.
Completed exercise and only answered 6 out of the 10 questions correctly.
Did not complete exercise or only answered 5 or less of the 10 questions correctly.
Went above and beyond project requirements.
Meet all of the project requirements.
Meet some of the project requirements
Did not meet any of the project requirements.

Evaluation of the Lesson –

To determine if this lesson plan was successful, I will base it on a number of things. I will take into consider the following: students feedback, non-verbal and verbal cues (their reaction when I first explain the project), their results of each mini-project, my observations and their overall score of their projects.  During each class period, I will be walking around the room evaluating them. I will also be asking questions at the beginning and end of each period. I will take some notes and jot down their questions and feedback.  I will also be asking them some questions as well such as if they found the lesson to helpful, if they had enough time to complete each part of the project, what information they found to be useful vs. what information they did not find useful and ask them what changes they would make to the project. I will also review the surveys that they fill out and look at their comments.  After the lesson is over and all of the results are in, I will then make the changes necessary to improve the project for the following school year.

Worksheet Equivalent:


Worksheet Questions

  1. On the career assessment evaluation, what were your top three personality types (e.g. realistic, social, investigative, etc.)?
  1. With your top three personality types, choose three jobs that fall under those categories. 
  1. Choice one job that suites your interests and needs and provide the personality type it falls under.
  1. Describe this job (e.g. salary, education, requirements, description, etc.). 

**You will use some of this information to complete the final part project***

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Website Created November 14, 2007, Updated November 2007